Wednesday 26 October 2011

My first post...

Well I thought I would join in this blogging thingy!
I have lots of thoughts, but sometimes can't voice them in the groups and forums that I am a member of.
For example I don't mind that my sons wakes a lot in the night, he is four months, he should wake in the night. It is a natural animal instinct and a good protection against SIDS.
My little man isn't a monkey for not accepting a bottle...I haven't tried! I am happy that he feeds well from me and human milk for human babies, I think, is his right. I want to do the best I can by him.
He is a big boy but he doesn't need weaning, the best thing for him is breastmilk, his small and developing digestive system would just have to work overtime to digest it.
I don'tmind that my life has changed since having children, I knew it would. I know our modern world doesn't like it but I'm happy to make changes and know that it won't be forever.